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The Punjab Land Disposition (Saving of Shamilat) Ordinance, 1959
The Punjab Land Disposition (Saving of Shamilat) Ordinance, 1959 Law in Pakistan.
The Punjab Land Disposition (Saving of Shamilat) Ordinance, 1959 is a legal ordinance in Pakistan that is primarily concerned with safeguarding Shamilat lands in the Punjab province. Shamilat lands are typically communal or common lands that are used for the benefit of the local community. This ordinance was enacted to protect these communal lands from unauthorized disposition or encroachment. It aims to maintain the rights and access of the local communities to these lands, preventing any unlawful appropriation by individuals or entities.
The Punjab Land Disposition (Saving of Shamilat) Ordinance, 1959 in PDF Format, Link Below:-
The Punjab Land Disposition (Saving of Shamilat) Ordinance, 1959
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