The Punjab Criminal Prosecution Service Inspectorate Act, 2018 Law in Pakistan. The Punjab Criminal Prosecution…
The Punjab Minor Mineral (Cancellation of Leases) Act, 1977
The Punjab Minor Mineral (Cancellation of Leases) Act, 1977 Law in Pakistan.
The Punjab Minor Mineral (Cancellation of Leases) Act, 1977 was a significant piece of legislation in the Punjab region of Pakistan. This act was enacted to provide a legal framework for the cancellation of leases related to minor minerals, such as sand, gravel, and stone, where violations or irregularities had occurred. It aimed to regulate the extraction and management of these resources, ensuring sustainable practices, and preventing illegal mining.
The Punjab Minor Mineral (Cancellation of Leases) Act, 1977 in PDF Format, Link Below:-
The Punjab Minor Mineral (Cancellation of Leases) Act, 1977
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