The Punjab Criminal Prosecution Service Inspectorate Act, 2018 Law in Pakistan. The Punjab Criminal Prosecution…
The Punjab Suppression of Prostitution Ordinance, 1961
The Punjab Suppression of Prostitution Ordinance, 1961 Law in Pakistan.
The Punjab Suppression of Prostitution Ordinance, 1961, was a legal ordinance in Pakistan, specifically applicable to the Punjab province. This ordinance was enacted to address the issue of prostitution and combat the social problems associated with it. It provided a legal framework to suppress prostitution activities, regulate brothels, and rehabilitate individuals involved in sex work. The ordinance aimed to protect vulnerable individuals and prevent the exploitation and abuse of women in the sex trade. It reflected the government’s commitment to promoting social welfare and upholding moral values by addressing the issue of prostitution within the province.
The Punjab Suppression of Prostitution Ordinance, 1961 in PDF Format, Link Below:-
The Punjab Suppression of Prostitution Ordinance, 1961
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